Friday, February 6, 2015

Jean & I went to Riviera Theater a couple of nights ago to attend Ben Howard's concert. I was originally going to go by myself, but Jean surprised me and bought a much cheaper ticket than I did (cause she's smart). I'm extremely thankful I got the opportunity to go see Howard live with a friend and not just by myself. Ben did a great job and sang one of my favorite songs from his new album right at the beginning of the show (always a great feeling!). One thing Jean and I observed from Howard's performance was his little eye contact w/ the audience. It's interesting how distant he keeps himself from his fans, but in a way I feel like it's due to Ben Howard's goal of staying under the radar...or maybe it keeps him humble.  But even with that the music was perfect and the lighting made every photo rock! On a blog note, above are highlights from the night in picture form. 

I'm working on a video of this night that I captured on my phone. Hopefully you can all watch what I was able to experience by the next post! Keep an eye out for Ben Howard in video form on On Da's Mind's next blog post.

*On the drive home, I couldn't stop smiling :) 

BTW; check out Jean Yang's blog! She's a talented photographer & a great person.

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